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A key link in the semiconductor industry

Semiconductortesting equipment includes measuring equipment and testing equipment, frontendmeasurement testing includes measurement and defect detection, mainly used inwafer processing, the measurement results of specific test structures as a cardcontrol standard for whether the wafer can be shipped normally, which is aphysical test; Semiconductor back-end test is divided into pre-package wafertest and post-package finished product test, the equipment used includessorting machine, testing machine, probe station, the purpose is to checkwhether the performance of the chip meets the requirements, belongs toelectrical performance testing. Bozhon semiconductor chip appearance inspectionAOI equipment is used for the fourth optical inspection in the back-end chippackaging process.


Back-endtesting equipment pays attention to product quality monitoring and runs throughthe beginning and end of semiconductor manufacturing. Facing wafer inspection(CP, Circuit Probing, also known as intermediate test) and finished producttesting (FT, Final Test, also known as final test), check whether the chipperformance meets the requirements, bias electrical performance testi.


Fromthe perspective of the global semiconductor manufacturing equipment market,15%~20% of the money is spent on quality control equipment 6%, and a completelydifferent front-end testing and post-testing market has been formed.


On the technical route,detection and measurement are divided into optical detection, electron beamdetection, X-ray measurement, the three technologies have their own strengthsin sensitivity, throughput and other parameters, and the application scenariosrealized are different, and the three technologies can be applied to alladvanced processes of 28nm and below (mature process and advanced processdividing line).


At present, industrial product inspectionhas entered the third stage: automated optical inspection, which is a detectionmethod that combines electronic images and computer algorithms to judge theoutput test results. It can improve the speed of product inspection (there areprobably only many physical limits to limit the speed), reduce the error ratecaused by human error factors, and improve reliability and stability.

The chip needs at least 4 lightinspections in the packaging and testing stage, and the personnel use themicroscope to perform sampling or full inspection at different magnifications,which has low efficiency, fatigued eyesight, defects and other phenomena, andthe quality of the product is difficult to be guaranteed.

AOI vision inspection system can replacethe human eye for inspection, improve accuracy, and help enterprises reducecosts and increase efficiency.

The biggest advantage of AOI testing isto save manpower, reduce costs, improve production efficiency, unify testingstandards and eliminate human factors interference, ensure the stability,repeatability and accuracy of test results, timely find product defects, andensure shipment quality.

As PCBA circuit boards and SMD electroniccomponents IC chips become more and more precise, product quality requirementsare becoming more and more stringent, and the detection speed requirements aregetting faster and faster. 2D machines can no longer meet the currentproduction requirements. 3D adopts a new optical unit design with innovativetechnology to help customers improve product quality and reduce labor costs. 3Dvision has higher computing requirements than 2D vision, which is closer to thehuman eye for the results of image detection, through the depth measurementinformation provided, the object can move anywhere in the measurement volume ofthe sensor, and can get accurate results, but also with the help of digital 3Dscanning data, extract the size of an object, including surface area, volumeand shape size, 3D visual inspection can detect the geometric size of theworkpiece, flatness, appearance defects and other accurate information, It canreplace some of the more complex precision measurement work, simplify theproduction process, improve product quality, and have a variety of advantagesover 2D vision.

With the rapid development of consumerelectronics technology, the trend of miniaturization and complexity ofcomponents, and the continuous improvement of production efficiency have putforward higher requirements for the accuracy, accuracy and detection efficiencyof detection, and manual visual inspection has been difficult to meet therequirements. At the same time, labor costs are rising year by year, and thequality of work depends on personal status, and it is no longer able to adaptto the needs of automated assembly line operations under the background ofindustrial upgrading. Based on these two backgrounds, the state is stable, theaccuracy is high, and it can adapt to large-scale production and detection.

Bozhon semiconductor chips have been deeplyengaged in the mounting and packaging testing process for many years, andlaunched the CesiStar  Series products (automatic 3D AOI optical inspectionequipment) for semiconductor back-end packaging and testing, which is ahigh-speed and high-precision automatic visual inspection equipment that usesoptical principles to detect chip defects, which is widely used insemiconductor, consumer electronics, optics, etc. R & D and manufacturing.It can realize the detection function for BGA, LGA, QFN, QFP and other chippackaging types to ensure the appearance quality and yield improvement of thefinal package. Useful for semiconductor, consumer electronics and opticalinspection industries.


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